Year-End Review of Insurance Policies - Checklist

As the year draws to a close, it's crucial to perform a comprehensive review of your insurance policies. This annual check ensures your insurance coverage aligns with your evolving needs and circumstances. This blog offers a detailed checklist to guide you through this important process.

Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance is vital in protecting your most significant asset – your home. It covers property damage, personal belongings, and liability. Reviewing your policy at year-end is essential to ensure your coverage reflects any changes in your home's value, improvements made during the year, and adjustments in local real estate market conditions. Regular updates can help you save money while maintaining adequate protection.

Checklist items

- Assess the dwelling coverage limit to ensure it matches the replacement cost of your home.

- Include any recent home improvements or renovations in the policy to reflect the updated home value.

- Verify that your personal property coverage is sufficient for new purchases or valuables acquired during the year.

- Consider the impact of any changes in your neighborhood or local market that could affect your home’s value.

- Consider any changes in local environmental risks, like flood zones or wildfire areas, which might necessitate additional coverage.

- Review the policy's living expenses coverage in case your home becomes temporarily uninhabitable.

Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is another critical component of your personal insurance program. It not only protects your vehicle but also protects you against liability in case of accidents. Year-end is the perfect time to reassess your auto insurance, especially if there have been changes in your driving habits, vehicle condition, or family members who drive the car.

Checklist items

- Update your policy to reflect any changes in vehicle information, like a new car or safety features.

- Review and possibly adjust your coverage levels, particularly for liability and collision.

- Ask your insurance provider about potential discounts, especially if your driving habits have changed (e.g., reduced commuting).

- Assess whether your current deductibles are still appropriate for your financial situation.

- Examine coverage for uninsured/underinsured motorists, especially if your area has seen changes in traffic patterns or accident rates.

-Reevaluate any roadside assistance or rental car coverage to ensure it still meets your needs.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is a dynamic aspect of your insurance portfolio, with frequent changes in plans, healthcare needs, and provider networks. An end-of-year review is essential to ensure your health plan continues to meet your and your family's healthcare needs.

Checklist items

- Evaluate your current plan's coverage, including deductibles, and copayments, and whether it still suits your health needs.

- Check if your preferred doctors and hospitals remain in-network.

- Review and understand any changes in your prescription coverage.

- Anticipate any significant health changes in the coming year, like surgeries or treatments, and adjust your coverage accordingly.

- Consider the costs and coverage for alternative therapies or mental health services, which are increasingly important.

- Review any wellness or preventive care benefits, ensuring you maximize what your plan offers.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is a cornerstone of financial planning, offering protection for your family and peace of mind for you. It ensures that your loved ones are financially secure in your absence, helping cover expenses like debts, living costs, and education fees.

Checklist items

- Regularly review your policy's coverage amount to ensure it aligns with your current financial obligations and family needs.

- Update beneficiary designations in light of major life events, such as marriage, childbirth, or divorce.

- Evaluate the ongoing affordability of premiums; consider adjusting them if your financial situation has changed.

- Check for any policy riders or additional coverage options that might be beneficial, like cash value accumulation or critical illness riders.

Other Insurance Policies

Beyond major policies like home and auto, other insurance types can play a crucial role in your overall financial security. Policies like pet insurance, travel insurance, or valuable items coverage provide specialized protection for specific aspects of your life and assets.

Checklist items

- Assess any additional policies you have, ensuring they still meet your current needs and lifestyle.

- Confirm that the coverage and cost of these policies are still appropriate, adjusting as necessary.

Liability Insurance

Understanding your liability coverage is crucial in protecting your assets from potential lawsuits or claims. This coverage is a part of homeowners and auto insurance policies and can safeguard your financial well-being in case of incidents where you are held responsible for property damage or bodily injury.

Checklist items

- Review your liability coverage in both homeowners and auto insurance policies to ensure it's adequate.

- Consider increasing your coverage if you've acquired significant assets or if your risk profile has changed.

- If you have an umbrella insurance policy, make sure its limits are sufficient to cover all potential liabilities, providing an extra layer of protection.

Policy Expiration Dates

Being aware of your insurance policies' expiration dates is crucial to avoid lapses in coverage. Keeping track of these dates ensures continuous protection and the opportunity to review and adjust your policies as needed.

Checklist items

- Compile a list of all your insurance policies and their expiration dates for the upcoming year.

- Set reminders to review and renew policies well before their expiration to prevent gaps in coverage.

- Evaluate the benefits of bundling multiple policies with the same provider for potential discounts and simplified management.


An annual insurance policy review is an essential practice for maintaining your financial security and ensuring peace of mind. Utilizing the provided checklist can help you comprehensively assess your insurance needs and make informed decisions about your coverage. 

This review process is key to adapting your insurance policies to your changing life circumstances, ensuring that you are well-protected in the year ahead.

If you have questions or concerns about your insurance policies, are looking for an insurance broker, or need guidance in reviewing them, consider reaching out to National Insurance Brokers. Their expertise can provide valuable advice and assistance in optimizing your insurance coverage and making the most of your insurance investments.

If any of the previous concerns sound like you, don’t hesitate, and contact them today for a no-obligation quote.


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